Sunday, February 27, 2011

Legends Radio Presents Free Live Variety Show 3/4 NYC at Gizzis

Legends Radio in conjunction with Raquel Miller's Nicoda Arts Organization- presents at Gizzi's Cafe 16 W 8th St. NYC 7-10PM

Friday March 4

7PM Debra Griner
Debra Griner has performed at coffee houses, clubs, cabarets and street fairs throughout the city. She has appeared at ROMP, Kentucky's premier bluegrass festival, and on Dennis Da Costa's Good to the Last Drop Coffeehouse for PCTV.  With upcoming performances atGizzi'sand on cable networks such as Talents Unlimited, Debra is warming up for the release of her first album, BOUND TO RISE, at NY's historic folk club, The Bitter End, Tuesday, April 12th at 7:30pm.

7:45 Edwin Vazquez
Johnny Cruz from wrote : "If you can imagine the combination of the flare of Elvis Presley, the contortions of JoeCocker, and the charm of Enrique Iglesias, you have Edwin Vazquez.  I can only describe Edwin's performance as vibrant, energetic, and extremely animated. In one word I'd have to describe his performance as WOW!  The audience greeted him with woops and hollers, shouting out otra, otra, otra, at the end of his set.  It was quite electric to say the least".

8:30 Poet Jon Winell & Evan Ginzburg reads from Apt. 4B, Like in Brooklyn

9:00 Kalen

"Kalen is fantastic! She owns the stage, gets the crowd rocking and has unparalleled energy."
- Scott Kaufman, New York Pudding
""Baby Boy" was my favorite indie track of 2010."
- Evan Ginzburg, Legends Radio (Dec, 2010)
"Kalen is a very promising singer and songwriter who brings in influences in her writing and music ranging from Pablo Naruda to Eric Satie."
- Ishrat Ansari, Owner and booker of West Village Landmark, Café Vivaldi..
"Vocally, Kalen is a bit of a chameleon, smoothly going from a sexy croon to urban sass, dishing out sultry come-ons and smartass one-liners with equal aplomb. She has an excellent range and handles ballads as well as she does roof-raising tracks."
- Bruce Rusk, Daily Vault
"Kalen has "otherworldly" vocal prowess. She has the rock energy of Janis Joplin, the soul diva gospel chops of Alicia Keys, the ethereal expression of Kate Bush. And can rap like nobody's business. On top of that, she plays super funky experimental rock lead keyboard; think Bernie Worrel (from Parliament/Funkadelic) meets Square Pusher, meets Imogean Heap. Kalen performs with the level of intensity that has not been seen in a fucking long time!!!"
- Gary Poulson, Zawinul Syndicate
"Kalen performs her jazzy/funky songs with vivacity and grace, singing her catchy compositions with soul from behind her polished keys"
- Dan Dipillido of Jezebel Music

5 great acts on one bill and NO COVER

Last Week's Legends Radio Presents Show at Gizzis Cafe-
A great night as a packed Standing Room Only crowd came to hear 4 RAD ( recording artists. Were you there? If not get away from that computer or TV screen and come out this Friday for the best entertainment value in NYC!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl Music

The referees should have called penalties on both Christina Aguilera who mangled the Star Spangled Banner and The Black Eyed Peas who defined mediocre. What the Peas were doing wasn’t exactly singing or rapping- they were at certain points just plain shouting. Screeching “Let’s get it started in here,” over and over isn’t exactly great art. Did THAT rate 111 million viewers? Man, has the bar ever been lowered or what? And I actually liked the Peas back in their (early) “Joints and Jams” days. I’m enjoying Doug E. Fresh, Kurtis Blow, The Whispers, Cuba Gooding, etc. buried on Channel 90’s TV One more than the Super Bowl half time entertainment. Go figure.
And Christina celebrating Aretha at the Grammies? I guess Patti LaBelle, Chaka and everyone else aren’t available. Hope Christina spells R-E-S-P-E-C-T correctly, anyway.
Evan Ginzburg